The Essence of Spoken Word with The Passion Of Battle Rappin’
Creative | Poet | Kicks Connoisseur  
By Chris Crocitto  Founder & Editor in Chief  
"A glimpse into the process of a humble wordsmith set out to warp a genre of music into the subtle art of poetry"
While going through The Essence of My Passion the idea that writing is a form of meditation became a common thread in my mind. The idea that someone could feel all these emotions expressed through 45 poetic pieces, ranging from doubt, fear, anguish, sadness, love, compassion, and apprehension told me that through thinking, writing, and iteration one may actually be able to hash these ideas out. The constant renegotiation with how to address a specific emotion as well as being able to overcome it through a means of this pen to pad pondering. The ideas and emotions are prevalent in pieces such as in;  “…it is what lies beneath your heart, that makes you so perfect in my eyes…I don’t care if perfection is an illusion, imperfection is beautiful, and perfect is what portrays you” (excerpt from 20/20 Love)...

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